Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Back to Work

Well I go back to work after a long time recouping from the car accident and have enjoyed being here for the family but tomorrow is my first day back. Time just flies by when you are busy working and taking care of a family. Busy with kids, laundry, fixing dinner, cleaning..it can overwhelm and make me loose track of whats really important and thats worshipping God. We all need to remember to take a step back from all the worries and enjoy every moment in life and our family cause it can all go in the blink of an eye. I count my blessings every night. I am thankful God has given me more than a second chance..this car accident being just one of those many second chances.

I know God wants us to be accountable for the direction we take in life, to make the right choices according to His will and plan. Sometimes I lost track of that and just went through the motions of life without really living life. We are here for a reason. The Almighty is in charge. All I can say is "Jesus, take the wheel"!!

God bless!


  1. I'm glad you were not hurt too badly - you don't mention injuries. But its very good that you learned from it. We all need to take inventory at times and review and revise our spiritual direction. Thanks Amy. Pastor Gary

  2. Hi Gary,
    I was hit on the drivers side someone turned into me not looking and I was going about 40 mph and turned to try to avoid them and hit a telephone pole. I totalled my car and sprained my neck and shoulder and have a compressed disc injury. Also the doc says I have arthritis which was found out from exams and tests, xrays which arthritis has nothing to do with the accident but its why I have been stiff for quite a while. I am on arthritis meds, pain meds, and was off work since 1st of feb till april 15th. Glad to be getting better!
    God bless and hugs,

  3. Amy, I am so glad you are getting better and stronger each day and going back to work is proof of this. We really do need to stop and smell the roses once in a while, actually...every single day we should be smelling the roses. Even before the world was created, God gave each of us a certain number of days. It's not how many days you have that really matter, but what you do with those days that count. So we have to make the most of each and every one of them. God holds each of us accountable for our thoughts and actions that defy His righteous way of life and we as a society take sin and life all too lightly. God loves you and so do I. st :P~

  4. Hi Stacey,
    You have spoken with true wisdom here!
    You have that right, what we do with our days here on earth counts big time. I did not think about our days being numbered by God..Something to think about!
    Sometimes things become so clear..hmmm something to really ponder on!
    God bless and hugs,
