Saturday, February 6, 2010


Its Feb 6 and today and yesterday we have had mega snow where I am at!
Its about 2 feet!
I have some snow photos to share!
:) Monica has the right idea..taking a nap with the remote on the couch!
Francis likes to play in the snow!
snow on porch
check out my front porch!!!
Glad to be snowed in and no power outage yet which is good!
I just found out all Masses are cancelled this weekend so no Church so I will not even venture out for that!
I am so happy to have some more quality time at home! Glad I don't have to go to work today either ;)
Every day should be a snowday! No more work just more snow yay!
Happy joy!


  1. Hope your power stays on. Poor little doggy probably wonders what the heck happened!!

  2. Thanks!
    So far we still have power and the storm ended yesterday!
    I really have enjoyed this storm actually.
    Most weekends are so busy for me so its nice to kick back and relax!
    Francis the dog was wondering what happened lol! His usual play area was past his neck in snow! He loved it but little Monica hated it (the little white dog)
    The dogs have never seen such snow!
    Hey thanks so much for stopping by my blog :)
    God bless!
