Friday, July 31, 2009

Seen any good movies recently?

I haven't ..but want to take the kids to the movies soon. I have not taken them this summer and its something we do at least once on summer vacation. Any ideas for something family friendly and fun? This chubby kitty looks like he's watchin a good movie :)
Popcorn Kitty Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. I heard UP was a good movie. Journey to the Center of the Earth is a great movie. I am very fortunate, the cable provider I have, comcast, has an OnDemand feature and I can order many of the new movies right here at home and it is so much cheaper than going to the cinema. Drinks and snacks are already here at the house, and they don't cost a fortune. heheheh :P~ I can't believe summer is winding down, only a month left. We have the little league world series tournament at the end of Aug. and that is always fun. The boys love to slide down the "hill" on cardboard. Travis starts football in a couple of weeks, so he is excited about that. I had to put Mr. Bear, the family dog of 14 years, down a couple of weeks ago and that was very sad. He had "arthur" really bad and was in a lot of pain, so it was time. My mother is taking it the hardest. It was just her and him till I moved in with them 3 years ago. I am looking to get another dog soon though. I've always had a dog and I miss him too. I pray your summer is going well. God loves you and so do I. st :P~

  2. Hi Stacey!
    Thanks for the suggestions!
    I will have to check those out. We have Comcast too! On Demand is cool..I just wanted to go to the theater for something new to do. I am so sorry about your dog I know how hard that must be cause I have been through it. Hopefully in time you can get a great new dog. I will pray that the right one comes your way. My summer is going well. God loves you and so do I ....I agree right back at ya!
    Oh Teresa is going to start martial arts!
    Can't believe it but thats what she wants to do so cool..but she better not beat me up haha!
