Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kidney infection grrrr

Please keep me in prayer the doctor put me off work till Oct 22nd to try to heal a drug resistant kidney infection and I am told to stay put in the house and try to get well. I have been battleing it since Sept 20th. I was 1st seen in the Hospital, then twice at the doctors, this is round 3 of antibiotics, if this doesn't work I need to see a urologist to see whats wrong with the kidneys, they have ruled out everything else, cat scan done, blood test, some kind of dye test in vein, drank weird stuff to see my insides, everything and it keeps coming back as kidney infection. I am feeling much better than sept but still having kidney infection symptoms and urine test coming back with infection last one done last tues. Thanks so much for prayers, just a bit worried about it all but glad that I'm not in the hospital :) I will let you know how I'm doing!
ps..starting round 4 of antibiotics for 10 days today, levaquin this time..getting better still not 100 percent though. Thanks for all your prayers!
It turns out I am boarderline diabetic so now its crunch time for diet changes, no sugar .. :(


  1. praying for you Amy.

    Take care of yourself :)

  2. Thank you so much!
    I am feeling better today, following docs orders and resting till Friday!
    God bless

  3. sending you love !'iam back and just saw this...
    oh i do hope you are better :)

  4. Thanks so much Muse!
    Yep I am much much better, doing great now finally the medication worked :)
    Taking better care of myself now with diet..etc :)
